Coupons & Special Offers
Mention these coupons and special offers to our service technician to redeem. Each coupon is redeemable for a one time use. These coupons may be combined with any savings for members of our Plumbing Protection Service Agreement up to the limited cap of $500.
$25 off Any Drain Cleaning, Rooter, or Sewer Service

$50 Off Any Service Over $500

Enjoy $200 Off Your Next Water Heater Installation

Are you looking for a new water heater? Rest assured to know that Steven Bailey Plumbing is factory certified by Bradford White and is a partner with Navien tankless water heaters as a part of their NSS Installer program.
​If you are looking to make the switch from a gas fired to an electric or heat pump hybrid water heater, then look no further as Steven Bailey Plumbing is a partner contractor with Clean Energy Connection / Switch Is On California where we can process your rebates.
Reference the above coupon to enjoy $200 off of your new installation.